
  • Seizures
  • Epilepsy
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Strokes
  • Numbness / Tingling
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Muscle Twitching
  • Paralysis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Cervical Root Lesions
  • Cervical Dystonia
  • Lumbosacral Root Lesions
  • Neuropathy
  • Myopathy
  • Radiculopathy
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Sleep Disorders

* The physicians at NWHN place great importance on coordinated care. Because of this, we ask all of our patients to obtain a referral from their primary care physician prior to scheduling their initial consultation.


An electromyography (EMG) uses very thin needle electrodes, which are inserted into the muscles of interest in order to listen to the muscle’s electric activity. The test can assist in determining whether an injury to the nerve root exists.

A Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) involves a series of small electrical shocks administered to the nerves of the extremities. The test is useful in determining where a peripheral nerve has been compressed.

These two tests are almost always performed together and are recommended for patients with the following conditions:

  • Numbness or tingling in the back, neck or any extremities (except face)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Cervical root lesions
  • Neuropathy
  • Myopathy
  • Radiculopathy
  • Lumbosacral root lesions
  • Muscle weakness

Instructions Prior to Test

  1. If you need to reschedule or cancel your test, contact us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a NO SHOW fee.
  2. Dress in loose clothing. You must be able to pull your sleeves above your shoulder and your pants or shorts to mid-thigh.
  3. Do not come to your EMG with any lotions, creams, or deodorants on your skin.
  4. Be prepared to miss at least one half-day of work or school the day of your EMG as the procedure may take thirty minutes to two hours, depending on the complexity.
  5. You will not receive anesthetic or sedation during the procedure, so it is safe to eat the night before and the day of your procedure.
  6. You must obtain an authorization or referral from your primary care physician if it is required by your insurance company. Please contact your primary care physician and insurance company after scheduling the procedure to determine if an authorization will be required.
  7. Some insurance companies, especially Medicare HMO plans, require we perform an evaluation before they will provide authorization for an EMG. This means you will be asked to schedule two appointments: one for the initial evaluation, and the other for the EMG.
  8. The patient share will be collected prior to your procedure. We will make every attempt to determine your cost, but please be aware that the amount we collect from you is only an estimate. You may have a balance or credit after your insurance processes our claim. It is ultimately your responsibility as the patient to be aware of your benefits and costs, so please contact your insurance directly if you have concerns regarding the cost of the procedure.

After the Test

  1. You may return to work and normal activities immediately following the procedure.
  2. The pain after the procedure, if any, is usually very mild. You may take extra-strength Tylenol for any discomfort.

Routine EEG

An Electroencephalography or EEG brain wave test is a recording of the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time, usually 20 to 40 minutes. The test takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to complete, and will be performed in the office.

Electrodes will be placed on your scalp and a computer will record the brain waves. This test will provide valuable information to your doctor regarding your brain’s health and function.

Instructions Prior to Test

  1. If you need to reschedule or cancel your test, contact us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a $75 fee.
  2. Arrive with clean, dry hair. DO NOT use any oil, gel, hairspray, or any other hair products. DO NOT wear braids or weaves or pull up long hair.
  3. The test is most useful when the patient is drowsy. Stay awake as late as possible the night before the test, awake early the day of the test, and do not nap the day of the test.
  4. Breakfast is required for patients having EEG done in the morning.
  5. Normal meals can be eaten the day of the test. Try to avoid caffeine.
  6. Take your medications as prescribed unless otherwise instructed.
  7. Hair will be messy and sticky after test. Some patients prefer to bring a hat or scarf to wear after test is completed.

Setting Up for the Test

  1. When you arrive, the technologist who will perform your exam will take a medical history.
  2. The technologist will have you lie down while they measure your head and mark your scalp with a washable marker or pen.
  3. Each marked area will be rubbed with a gritty gel that cleans the scalp of dead skin, body oil, etc.
  4. The electrodes will be attached to the scalp with a very sticky paste.

During the Test

  1. You will be asked to remain very still and quiet with your eyes closed.
  2. The technologist may have you do a deep breathing exercise.
  3. The technologist may flash a bright light into your eyes.

After the Test

  1. The technologist will remove the electrodes and use a wet washcloth or gauze to remove the marks, gel and paste from your scalp.
  2. The tech cannot discuss results with you, but will give your test to the doctor to interpret.
  3. You will be contacted with results within 1-2 weeks.

Many people have concerns about the EEG. Please know that an EEG:

  • Does not hurt
  • Does not read your mind
  • Does not determine whether you are emotionally or mentally ill
  • Does not give you electric shocks
  • Does not affect you in any way

Synergy Diagnositcs will contact you to schedule your EEG. If you have questions, please contact them at 713-409-8699.

Video EEG

An EEG measures the electrical activity in the brain. A video EEG involves the addition of a video recorder during the course of the test. The duration of the test ranges from one to four days, depending on the physicians’ orders. An EEG technician will complete the setup in and go over specific instructions in detail. The setup usually takes 60 - 90 minutes. The patient wears the equipment at home and disconnects at a specified time.

Instructions Prior to Test

  1. If you need to reschedule or cancel your test, contact us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a $75 fee.
  2. Plan to take time off from work or school for the duration of the test.
  3. If the patient has special needs or lives in assisted living facility, the patient will need 24 hour assistance for the duration of the test.
  4. Take your medications as prescribed unless otherwise instructed.
  5. Wear a shirt that buttons or zips. DO NOT dress in clothing that pulls over the head.
  6. Arrive with clean, dry hair. DO NOT use any oil, gel, hairspray, or any other hair products. DO NOT wear braids or weaves or pull up long hair.
  7. Some patients prefer to bring a hat or scarf to wear after setup as the head will be wrapped in gauze.
  8. The test is not painful, but, because the patient must carry the equipment and wear the electrodes for several days, it can be cumbersome. Patients are unable to shower for the duration of the test.

Setting Up for the Test

  1. When you arrive, the technologist who will perform your exam will take a medical history.
  2. The technician will have you sit down while they measure your head and mark your scalp with a washable pen or marker.
  3. Each marked area will be rubbed with a gritty gel to clean the scalp of dead skin, body oil, etc.
  4. The electrodes will be attached to the scalp with a very sticky paste and covered with gauze.

During the Test

  1. The test is either setup in the office or in the home. The actual recording takes place in your home.
  2. You will need to place the camera where it is able to record you at all times, except when you use the restroom or change clothes. You should try to be in the frame of the video at least 90% of the time.
  3. You will have support at all times of your EEG. Please call either 832-428-6556 or 832-962-9121 if you have any questions only during your EEG.

After the Test

  1. You will have a scheduled appointment to return to the office so that the tech can disconnect the Video EEG equipment. It is imperative that you return at the specified time so that the equipment will be available for the next patient's test.
  2. The disconnect appointment will take approximately 15-30 minutes.
  3. The electrodes will be removed from your scalp. In order to fully remove all of the adhesives from the scalp, it is necessary to wash you hair thoroughly at home.
  4. The tech cannot discuss results with you, but will give your test to the doctor to interpret. The office will contact you with results within 1 to 2 weeks.
  5. There is a possibility of developing scalp abrasions or skin sores where electrodes have been placed. If this occurs, keep the affected are clean and apply antibiotic cream such as.
  6. Neosporin twice daily and leave uncovered until the sore heals. It is very rare, but possible, that these sores could cause scarring on the scalp.

Synergy Diagnositcs will contact you to schedule your EEG. If you have questions, please contact them at 713-409-8699.


Driven by the vision of Adrian Santamaria, MD, NWHN offers cutting edge and comprehensive sleep medicine to the Houston area. Sleep services offered include, but are not limited to:

  • Evaluation and Management of Sleep Related Conditions
  • Pap Therapy
  • Home Sleep Studies

Contact our office today for more information and to schedule your initial consultation.